showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdescription
Fallout: A Post Nuclear Adventure  ?1997 2160s 22ndcentury alternatetimeline automap california charactercreation circadiancycle combatmode currency-unusual deathworld earth encounters-random energyweapons fallout fallout-engine fistloads future genderchoice giantanimals giantinsects giantspiders grenades grid grid-hex inaccurateinfo initiative injuries interactivedialogs isolationists karma lockpicking losttechnology mutants neutralmonsters northamerica osclassic overworld postapocalypse powerarmor retrofuture scorpions shopping stealing stealth thrownweapons timelimit timeunits town turnbasedcombat unarmedfighting wasteland labelimageminimize
Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book Creative Wonders (Novotrade)1995 68k asia asia-south birds book cdrom color-8bit cpu-68030 desiprotagonist elephants forest india jungle junglebook macos6 mouse osclassic ppc primates snakes thrownweapons tigers tropic ursines wolves Hard Drive with 1MB free for program (to save games).
CD ROM drive: 150 KB transfer rate, 380 ms access time supported
(single speed)
RAM: 2048K free for program (247 5 K for Power Macs).
CPU: Color Classic or greater (must support 256 colors).
System 6.07 or higher
Dark Castle Color Delta Tao Software1994 3.5disk 68k castle chiroptera color-8bit difficulty lives macos7 medieval osclassic rats score thrownweapons labelminimizeminimize
Ultima VII: The Black Gate  Exult Team (Origin;Exult Team)2000 ♫flightofthebumblebee ♫rulebritannia 3.5disk alcohol aliens apples axes ballistics bees blackpearls bludgeons bows captives carts chapel cheese chosenone city cooking crafting crates crteffects demons domesticcats drills-rig drugs engineremake eviloverlord femaleprotagonist fictionalelement firearms firearms-early forest fromanotherworld garlic genderchoice giantinsects goldbars goldnuggets hypocrites ineptveteran jewelry juggernauts knives lagomorphs lockpicking macos8 macos9 magic magicrings magicweapons meleeweapons mice monsters multipleendings npcschedules nudism osclassic otherworld parrots pirates polearms ppc present prostitutes pumpkin refwizardofoz riding ruins sdl seamlessworld sheep shopping sorcery subterranean swords thrownweapons town trash ultima ultima7-engine ultimaageofarmageddon unicorns whips willowisps xp-deeds xp-kills Thanks to a game engine called Exult, Ultima VII: The Black Gate and its addon The Forge of Virtue can be played on a variety of platforms.

The 7th canonical game in the Ultima series and the first game in Ultima's Age of Armageddon. But, it was never intended to run on Linux. Exult uses SDL for the Linux version. The player and party can use crossbows and bows. Ingredients can be mixed to bake bread and other things. Cheese is available as food. A variety of items can be crafted into other items. There are pumpkin fields in the game, from which pumpkins can be harvested. Flight of the Bumblebee is played at one point, Rule Britannia is overplayed. There are severl prisoners in the game and its this plays into the plot more than once. An addictive medicine in the game is abused by characters and can be abused by the player's character and party, with consequences. Unicorns are mentioned in in-game books and by characters[spoiler=and;and]one can be found by the player also.[/spoiler]
Dark Castle Silicon Beach Software1986 3.5disk 68k binarycolor castle chiroptera flipscreens lives medieval osclassic platformer rats score thrownweapons
Heirs to Skull Crag  SSI (MicroMagic;SSI)1993 2hmeleeweapons 3.5disk 68k adnd adv-progress adv-static alienplanet autumnal axes basilisks beholders bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows breathweapons caninoids cdrom cemetery charactercreation city clanguage classbased classbasedeq combatmode companion compass containers cpplanguage crossbows dataexport dataimport did difficulty dnd doors dragonprotagonist dragons dragons-western driders dungeoncrawler dwarves elves encounters-random encounters-set encounters-timed fantasyworld fatigue feelies femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms genderchoice ghosts giantanimals giantinsects giantmonsters giantspiders gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist goldboxengine golems gridmove group halflings hazardouspowers healingitems heroprotagonist highfantasy horses humanoids humans ichthyoids illusionarywalls inorganics insectoids inventory jewelry jinn joystick karma keys knives leveleditor liches lockpicking lowfantasy macos6 macos7 magic magicweapons maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons mercenaryprotagonist militantprotagonist mindflayers missionbased monsters mouse multiclassing multipleendings multiverse mycoids mystics mythicalprotagonist naturalweapons orcs osclassic pascal polearms premadecharacters premadeprotagonist protagonistnaming ragtaggang randomdamage recruiting rescue resourcegeneration resting riding river romance ruins sentientartefact sewers shapeshifters shapeshifting sharedsetting shopping skeletons slings softscifi sorcery specieschoice spellmemory subterranean summery swords tentaclecreatures thrownweapons titlementioned tombstones town traps treants tutorial unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein vampires vernal walking wasteland weefolk wintery wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills Mac Plus or higher
System 6.0.7 or later (System 7.0 or later for color)
1MB RAM for B&W (2MB RAM for color)
4MB free hard drive space
1.4MB disk drive
B&W or 256-colors display***Heirs to Skull Crag is the game, exclusively available in no other package game, real game, actual game, existing game, playable game, completable that comes the the Unlimited Adventures game creator which is in every other videogam database with tools to create AD&D based adventures, or even other types of adventures based on the Golf Box Engine.